Hello! I’m launching a new podcast, with video on Youtube! Introducing Daily Worship Devotionals. 

So what is the Daily Worship Devotionals podcast? It’s a devotional series where we follow the Christian year calendar as a framework for studying the Scriptures and hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit.

Our inaugural season is “Season of Light.”

Season of Light [2018 Edition] is a devotional series for the season of Epiphany (January 6 through Ash Wednesday, February 14 for 2018).  The idea is similar to the creative process I used to write the blog series that became the book Resurrection Power: 50 Days That Rocked The World. 


That process is to become immersed in a study of the biblical narrative and themes of the season, then share whatever ideas and insights the Lord gives me. For Epiphany, we will dive deep into the early life of Christ, along with the themes of light and renewal. 

Daily Worship Devotionals Podcast

Epiphany is one of the seven liturgical seasons of the church year.  They are in order – Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Holy Week, Easter, and Pentecost.

The pattern of the Christian year church calendar is to remember and recall the story of Jesus.

This podcast is for you if your understanding of the church calendar falls into one of these three groups:

  • No idea. You’ve not familiar with the seasons of the Christian year at all. If that’s you, then you’ll learn something new!
  • Been there / done that.  Maybe you grew up in a traditional historical church and are very familiar with the liturgical seasons.  Perhaps they even seem old hat to you. I get it, we’re all done with “dead religion.” What I learned is that the more you explore and re-imagine the nuances and riches of scripture, led by the Holy Spirit, the more you will discover fresh inspiration and life.
  • Tell me more. You are familiar with Christmas and Easter, but you’re wondering how the rest of the Christian calendar year could possibly be relevant to your life. Nonetheless, you’re interested in spiritual growth and open to a fresh approach to growing in your relationship with God.

If you happen to fall into the “tell me more” group, then this podcast is especially for you!

My Story

My story is that I grew up in a Christian denomination that did not observe special dates on the church calendar. Later my life journey evolved from music producer to worship leader and into a worship instructor. Then through my graduate studies at the Robert Webber Institute for Worship Studies and by participating in the themes of the Christian year, I developed an appreciation for how – with the right mindset, these traditions can enrich and deepen our spiritual relationship with the Lord.

The mindset I discovered as most helpful is:

  1. Be curious,
  2. See what the text says,
  3. Dig a little deeper to understand the context, and
  4. Seek the leadership of the Holy Spirit to bring fresh revelation and relevance.

In his book “Ancient Future Time”, Webber summarizes how the Christian year church calendar can help us remember and re-enact the story of Christ.

…The Christian year represents the historical unfolding of the life of Christ and his sure return. One may observe that Advent deals with the coming of Christ; Christmas, his birth; Epiphany, his manifestation to the Gentiles; Lent, his journey toward death; the Great Tridium, the last days of Jesus’ earthly life; Easter, the time to celebrate his resurrection; and Pentecost, the time to experience life in the power of the Holy Spirit. According to this historical representation of the life of Christ, the Christian year begins with Advent and ends with Pentecost.”   Robert E. Webber “Ancient Future Time” page 31.

During this Epiphany season, we will pick up from where the seasons of Advent and Christmas left off, and explore the beginning of the life of Christ and his ministry. A corollary to that will be the themes of light and renewal.  I’ll add commentary as the Holy Spirit inspires.

Jesus is the Light of the world. The more we walk with Him, the more light we pour into our spirits, and the more darkness is driven out.

I need more of Jesus, and I need more of His light in my life. Maybe you do too. So, I invite you to join me on this journey through the Season of Light.

The Lord be with you!

Rob Still

Season of Light, 2018 Edition

January 1, 2018