Ash Wednesday service. Everyone writes something to repent of on a piece of flash paper. The papers are nailed to the cross. After the imposition of ashes on our foreheads, the “sins” are burned up in a flash.
Our Ash Wednesday service at HFUMC was simple, anointed and powerful.
Here was the Order of Worship:Â
- Greeting & Instructions
- Hymn: Come Ye Sinners
- Psalm 51 reading
- Offering & Special Music “Restore To Me” (Travis Birch & Lenny Lee)
- Doxology
- Scripture Reading Jonah 3:1-10
- Sermon “It’s Never Too Late”
- Congregational Prayer preparing for the Imposition of Ashes
- We write our sins on flash paper and nail the to the cross. Then receive the mark of the cross on our foreheads. After everyone has done so, we conclude by burning the sins on the cross. Takes about 2 seconds.
- Hymn: What Wondrous Love Is This
- Benediction
- All leave in silence.