Worship Recap February 2
[Video: Worship Recap, February 2, 2014] [youtube id=”BBgv3IzTaZg”] OK, here’s the latest Worship recap video blog (vlog!)Â for Sunday Februrary 2014, part of the Sunday Setlists roundup hosted by TheWorshipCommunity.com […]
Worship Recap January 26
[Video: Worship Recap, January 26, 2014] [youtube id=”6L31C6mjFTo”] Here’s the Worship recap video blog (vlog!)Â for Sunday January 26, 2014, part of the Sunday Setlists roundup hosted by TheWorshipCommunity.com […]
Worship Recap January 19, 2014
[Video: Worship Recap, January 19, 2014] [youtube id="/ns9tS52c_Gg"] Here's the Worship recap vlog for Sunday January 19, 2014, part of the Sunday Setlists roundup hosted by TheWorshipCommunity.com Traditional Service: Opening Hymn: All Creatures of Our God and King (Song 11am only) Forever Offertory - instrumental Middle: Now Thanks We All Our God Choir Anthem (8:15 [...]
Worship Recap January 12, 2014
[Video: Worship Recap, January 12, 2014] [tentblogger-youtube PlYtFROZEJ4] After a long hiatus, this Sunday marks the return of the Worship Recap. This post is part of the Sunday Setlists blog roundup hosted by TheWorshipCommunity.com Today I’m experimenting with a vlog - a video blog format. Let me know what you think. Here's the rundown. Traditional [...]
Worship Recap Nov 17
Here’s the music we worshiped with this past Sunday. Traditional Service All Creatures of Our God and King #62 Jesus Is All the World to Me†No. 469 Choir Anthem (8:15 only) Let All Things Now Living (FTWS #2008) In Christ Alone (11am only) Now Thank We All Our God #102 […]
Worship Recap November 10
I was glad when they said to me,     “Let us go to the house of the Lord!†Psalm 122:1 Here’s Sunday’s Setlist Traditional Service There’s Within My Heart A Melody #380 (11am only) Lord I Lift Your Name On High Standing on The Promises #374 Choir Anthem: The Lord Is Good (John G. Elliott) Message: [...]
Nov 3 Worship Recap
 Sunday Setlists! Worship on November 3, 2013. Above: Kids Praise Team and Joyful Noise. Below: Adult Choir A beautiful day for All Saints Sunday at church. Here's the Sunday Setlists: Traditional Service Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing Here I Am To Worship (11am only) Special Music: Dash Between The Years Doxology Message [...]
“Dash Between The Years” – A Song For All Saints Day
This Sunday at HFUMC we will commemorate "All Saints Day". In the United Methodist Church, All Saints' Day is observed on the first Sunday in November to remember deceased members of the local church congregation. A candle is lit as each person's name is called out with their photograph, followed by prayer. I wrote a [...]
October 27 Worship Recap
A beautiful autumn day accompanied this weekend's worship services at HFUMC. It was the second week of our new 11am service and there was a good turnout. Here's the music recap: Traditional Services Opening Hymn: A Mighty Fortress Is Our God #110 Middle Hymn: O Worship The King #73 Song: Open The Eyes of My [...]
Africa Report Part 3
The day I started writing this post, I took my last malaria pill, you have to take them for 7 days after returning from a malaria area. I've been writing a daily journal with some pics using my new Day One app. If you're interested in more of the "behind the scenes" details and a [...]