December 9 Update

This will be the first blog post written to the new website design and a bit of a test. Here's what happening now. We have re-designed as my digital home base with an emphasis  teaching and devotionals. Launched a new site just for music/artist stuff at My missions news (trip details, prayer needs, [...]

By |2019-12-09T20:09:00-06:00December 9th, 2019|Recommended, Updates|Comments Off on December 9 Update

The Purpose of Church Worship And The Role of Music

Lately, I’ve had the opportunity to visit a wide variety of churches. Every one of them has a very different approach to leading congregational worship. And, as I’m sure I heard Robert Webber say, “I’ve found myself thinking and rethinking” about two very fundamental questions. What is the purpose of church worship? and What is [...]

By |2019-12-09T21:47:07-06:00September 29th, 2017|Leadership, Recommended, Theology|Comments Off on The Purpose of Church Worship And The Role of Music

Actions And Attitudes: 10 Hebrew Words for Praise & Worship

The Hebrew words translated as “praise” or “bless” have a deeper meaning than is conveyed in English. They instruct, command or imply the worshiper is to take specific physical action. NEW! UPDATE: DOWNLOAD my pdf guide “Actions & Attitudes: Understanding 10 Hebrew Words of Praise”, check out the accompanying e-book, and access the video mini-Course [...]

By |2019-12-09T20:50:22-06:00February 2nd, 2012|Recommended, Theology|Comments Off on Actions And Attitudes: 10 Hebrew Words for Praise & Worship