June 17 Worship Recap

Happy Fathers Day! We enjoyed a very happy Fathers day at HFUMC. Totally awesome day and great service. One creative element was a congregational reading of Psalm 148 with the band playing diamonds (whole notes) at the front of each verse. Another was teaching the sign language to He Knows My Name. […]


By |2012-06-18T21:41:03-05:00June 17th, 2012|Worship Set Lists|Comments Off on June 17 Worship Recap

June 10 Worship Recap

Great service today. Don had a fabulous encouraging message. We had a powerful time of intercessory prayer in response. ( I may write a post about that.) Summer travels present scheduling challenges for our team, but it’s all good. Bethany played bass and sang, she did great. Here’s the rundown: […]

By |2012-06-10T22:24:36-05:00June 10th, 2012|Worship Set Lists|Comments Off on June 10 Worship Recap

May 27 Worship Recap

It was a powerful Pentecost Sunday at HFUMC today! Here’s the worship service recap: […]