June 17 Worship Recap
Happy Fathers Day! We enjoyed a very happy Fathers day at HFUMC. Totally awesome day and great service. One creative element was a congregational reading of Psalm 148 with the band playing diamonds (whole notes) at the front of each verse. Another was teaching the sign language to He Knows My Name. […]
June 10 Worship Recap
Great service today. Don had a fabulous encouraging message. We had a powerful time of intercessory prayer in response. ( I may write a post about that.) Summer travels present scheduling challenges for our team, but it’s all good. Bethany played bass and sang, she did great. Here’s the rundown: […]
Worship Recap June 3
Sunday was a good day. I’m grateful. It was a good solid service at Hendersonville First United Methodist Church. We proclaimed the gospel message through song, prayer, word and communion. What more could you ask for? It was an “ordinary” day. Let me explain. […]
May 27 Worship Recap
It was a powerful Pentecost Sunday at HFUMC today! Here’s the worship service recap: […]