without vision Lent 2-29-16

“Aim nothing and you’ll hit it every time.” – Zig Ziglar

If you’re going to have a life that is meaningful,  then you have to get clear about your purpose for being on the planet. And that will change over different seasons and contexts of your life.

It certainly has for me! Vocationally and in different seasons of my life – I’ve worked in the restaurant business, been a tax preparer, tennis instructor, entertainer, music producer, business owner, marketing consultant, worship pastor, missionary, trainer and seminar instructor.

The joy of the abundant life begins first in complete acceptance of the calling of Jesus Christ to follow him.

On one level you can settle that decision in an instant – just say “yes” to Jesus!  But you’ll be in lifelong process to work out what it truly means to follow his call on your life.

At every place of transition, you’re going to need the prophetic revelation of God to know the next step. Without divine guidance, as it says in Proverbs 29:18 people “run wild, cast off restraint, and perish”.

Be careful not to let the times you’re disappointed blow up your future by doing something stupid, i.e “cast off restraint”.

So, if you’re wondering what to do next, simply ask God. “Lord, what would give you the most pleasure about _________”

Get God’s heart on the matter. Then listen. Write it down. Work it out.

Resolve to do it God’s way (“obey His laws”),  and you’ll be most blessed!

May the Lord give you fresh vision today. Amen.