1 Peter 1:22 Sunrise

Peter, who wrote these words,  was one of the few human beings who actually knew Jesus. More than that, he was a close confidant.

His life lesson? Love others wholeheartedly. 

Easier said than done. Worship is about loving God and loving people.

Love deeply my friends!

Christmas Album JOYFUL! Update:

My new Christmas album  “JOYFUL”  is coming any day now! Get an instant 4 6 song download!  I’ll also be releasing some cool bonus resources with this project. Check it out here. 

About These #SUNRISE #WORSHIP DEVOTIONALS: A daily “worship ritual” I practice is to listen to The Daily Audio Bible podcast, take a photo of the morning sky, find a meaningful scripture or quote (usually from the DAB), and share it on Instagram/Facebook/Twitter. Please comment and share! The Lord bless you.

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