Today’s song is Say Goodbye To Yesterday. Free download for a limited time.

The lyric idea is a mashup of Solomon’s perspective in Ecclesiastes and thoughts from the book “Failing Forward” by John Maxwell [“Failing Forward: Turning Mistakes into Stepping Stones for Success ]

Number 7 of Maxwell’s 15 steps to overcome set-backs is to “say goodbye to yesterday.”  My own times of personal pain expressed with this perspective led to the creation of this song.

We will never make a difference if we allow the past to hold the future hostage.

We have to move on and do what can be done where God puts us.

“To move forward you must learn to say good-bye to yesterday’s hurts, tragedies and baggage. You can’t build a monument to past problems and fail forward.”

Say Good-bye To Yesterday

Seasons come and seasons go
and round and round this world we go
There is nothing new under the sun
Everything we do – has been done

Generations come and go
we’re young and strong, then weak and old
In vanity we’re chasing after the wind
Every moment keeps passing but never here again

So I say goodbye to yesterday
I’m moving on, it’s time to change
God I need your grace, grace, grace
Lord I need your grace, grace, grace
To change me, to change me

Fame and favor come and go
Like sunshine fades into shadows
Just another chasing after the wind
To dust we are returning – but never here again

To everything there is a season (turn, turn, turn)
And there’s a purpose under heaven

Copyright 2002/2011 Rob Still. Rob Still Music (ASCAP)
All rights reserved. International copyright secured. Used by permission.

Click the CD cover and “name your own price” for the full album download this week.  Downloads are available in any format, even CD quality .aiff  here on the  “What Words Can’t Say” download page.

If you’d like a chart, just ask in the comments and I’ll get one to you.

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What song, book or other resource has helped you process “seasons of change”? Thanks for sharing your thoughts in the comments. We love comments!