This post continues the theme of  practical advice for worship leaders. [Check out more practical tips in the series here.]

Today’s article also follows up from this past weekend’s worship, when we had a minor “worship leader emergency.” One lesson from my last post is to  have  back-up, or contingency  plans.  We also covered  how to lead worship without projection.

VIDEO: Worship Leaders: Be A Problem Solver

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Much of worship ministry is problem solving. The content in this video …

  • Challenges worship leaders to see themselves as problem solvers.
  • Challenges worship leaders to develop the mindset of a consummate professional
  • Covers common worship challenges with variable levels of complexity.
    • Simple & immediate (guitar string breaks)
    • Planning and production challenges
    • Relationship challenges
    • Complex cultural issues
      • (Example: How do we get our people to engage in worship more passionately?)
  • Outlines a simple 4 step process for problem solving.
  • Concludes with a testimonial from pastor Paul Roberts after a “problem” Sunday.

 4 Step Problem Solving Process

1. Define the problem. Bring clarity to the issue. Break it down. Many problems are easier to solve once we define them.

2. Brainstorm solutions. What are all the possible options to solve this? Get input from others.

3. Decide.  Consider your options, weigh the pros and cons, but – make a decision. This is what leaders do.

Leaders make decisions.

Pick one and roll with it.

4. Do something. Take action. Implement the decision. It doesn’t have to be perfect. If it doesn’t work, try something else. If that doesn’t work either, try something else.


Keep at it. Be the person who brings solutions to difficult situations.

Be a problem solver for your pastor, your team members, your production people and your congregation.

More resources on this topic:

MindTools: Problem Solving

Brian Tracy: 8 Steps To Problem Solving

Question: What ideas would you add to the problem solving process?