Wholehearted Worship : A Practical Theology

Understanding the Why and How of Worship

The Bible is a big book with a lot of information.

This mind map represents a summation of my “Practical Theology of Worship” seminar. It is a framework for understanding and practicing the major themes of biblical Worship. I’ve condensed a 20+ hour course into this little diagram. I’ve been using this in my latest workshops and I’m delighted to share it with you as a free download!

WorshipOverview45 title=
easel.ly        Just click the image,  save it from your browser.

Although it’s just one page, this is the tip of the iceberg, there’s a lot of depth to these concepts. We could riff for hours on this stuff. Don’t you just love the Word of God?

So – does this map make sense to you? Would you like to see a series of short videos unpacking these ideas?

I would love your feedback on this. Leave a comment below.

Worship MindMap PDF for Prining

Worship MindMap PDF for Printing