Most Saturday’s I’m posting a song. Today’s is “Yeshua”.
- It’s based on the Triumphal Entry. Jesus told the people of Israel “you will not see me again until you say ‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord’ ” (Matthew 23:39).
- It’s another example of my Davidic approach to writing and leading worship. Kind of a Country-Jewish-Dire Straits sound with antiphonal lyrics.
- We’ve also had a lot of fun with this as a processional song for Palm Sunday with kids.
[tentblogger-youtube SiD82ppANRM]
The video is an experiment.
I put the lyrics in a “word cloud” program called Wordle and edited the pics together in I-movie. Not the greatest outcome but the idea has some potential in the future.
Free download during Holy Week
You can download a recording and lyrics of Yeshua (whoa – in any format, even CD quality .aiff) and lyrics FREE here on the “What Words Can’t Say” download page.
If you’d like a chart, just ask in the comments and I’ll get one to you.