This post was inspired by John Piper’s article 10 Resolutions For Mental Health.  I used his ideas as a catalyst for declaring similar objectives, but with differing language and emphasis.

Resolutions differ from goals  and habits. Resolutions come from our values. They help us live on purpose. These are beliefs we commit to all in, without doubt, hesitation or resistance.

Jonathan Edwards “Resolutions” have been another source of life instructions.

Here are some of mine.

10 Resolutions for Wholehearted Sanity

1. Once a day I will consider the heavens, meditate on the glory of God, and rejoice in the mystery that I am still alive on this beautiful planet.

2. I will believe I am part of God’s story that has a beginning, a middle and an end. My life has meaning, even though I may not always comprehend it’s value.

3.  I will believe today is the day the Lord has made. Whether trial or triumph, I will rejoice and be glad in it.

4. I resolve to keep it real.

5. I will not be narcissistic. I will add value to the life of others.

6. I will be sensitive and aware of the world around me, whether it be man or nature. I will enjoy them as they genuinely are.

7. I will embrace childlike faith, but I will not act childish.

8. I will listen to good music and read good books, particularly the classics of both.

9. I will live in appreciation of this moment. I will not worry excessively about tomorrow.

10. I will believe that God is in control, even when all evidence denies this truth. I will strive to live in such a way that I may hear the words “well done good and faithful servant” when I appear on that final day before the Alpha and Omega.

Question: What about you? What resolutions would you add to this or live by?