Some time ago I listened to the audio book  The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr. original recordings of MLK himself with additional readings by Lavar Burton.

I loved hearing the heart and mind of the man through his own voice. The audio book also won a Grammy. To understand Kings perspective and vision in his own words made a great impact on me.

What I found relate-able in his story are the universal realities of the human condition.

King was a very smart guy.  He went to college at a very young age (15) and graduated with a Phd as a young man.  Yet he focused his talents and gifts to be a voice, to cast a vision for a better way of life for an entire race. It’s a glimpse of the heavenly vision.

Reluctantly he became the catalyst for a noble cause. The struggle was for something much greater than himself. He developed the courage and conviction to take on seemingly insurmountable , even demonic, obstacles. And other ordinary men and women can do the same.

There’s a high cost to pursuing high ideals. It cost King his life. From his story there’s a glimpse into the really hard stuff. That’s what touched me, and continues to inspire me when I hear his speech “A Knock At Midnight”

Video: Martin Luther King, Jr. ” A Knock At Midnight”

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This story is so raw and real about the human and emotional toil on a visionary.

Living everyday under the threat of death and extensive criticism left him discouraged and full of doubt. Then he had a profound encounter with God at his kitchen table.

I discovered then that religion had to become real for me and I had to know God for myself, I bowed down … and then the Holy Spirit revived my soul”

It tears me up every time I hear him say:

“He promised never to leave me, never to leave me alone, never alone, no never alone .“

That inspired the lyrics for this weeks free song ,  “Never Alone”.   You can listen to it here on this player and read the lyrics below.


You will never leave me
I know You will never forsake me
And even when I can’t see You  – I know that You’re there
And even when I can’t feel You  – I know that You care
And when my heart is shattered and broken
Your ways seem a mystery
Still I believe you’ll never abandon me

Cause I’m never alone, never alone        
through the dark night of the soul, I’m never alone
I’m never alone, never alone        
through the dark night of the soul, I’m never alone
You hold me ,you surround me, with the sound of Your love
I’m never alone, never alone, never alone, never alone
I’m never alone, never alone, never alone, never alone

I know you’ll never leave   me
I know you’ll never forsake me
I know you will never abandon me
I’m never alone, never alone, never alone, never alone
I’m never alone, never alone, never alone, never alone
You will never leave me

Copyright 2001/2011 Rob Still /Rob Still Music (ASCAP)
All rights reserved. International copyright secured. Used by permission.


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