Found a great series on doing an annual review and goal setting for the next year from Chris Guillbeau / The Art of Non-Conformity.
He starts with two simple questions for refection:
1. What went well?
2. What did not go well?
With that catalyst, here’s my 2012 Review. Hope it is helpful to you.
What went well
Live events were the major highpoint and success story.
1) Finished a full year leading the contemporary service at HFUMC. A good fit in this season. The service continues to grow. We’ve got a great team and we’re becoming a wholehearted worshiping community.
2) Missions trips to Serbia and Romania were high impact with very encouraging feedback from participants. My new trip to Sri Lanka was fantastic with excellent testimonials and results.
3) Our second summer of the Rock-N-Worship youth rock band camp was a great experience for the kids with super positive response from students.
4) First annual ever Benefit Concert. Awesome. Fantastic artists participation, good turnout, and we discovered new friends. Hit our fundraising goal. Good lessons learned to apply in 2013.
5) Seminar teaching at Inspire Conference, the Exalt Teen Music camp and leading worship for the Charles Wesley Society annual meeting. Great response from attendees.
6) Writing & Blog: Some decent blog posts, will share a “best of” list later. I’m about 50% done on rough draft of book. Slight increase in blog traffic. Good networking, interviewing and connecting with Anthony, Tyler, Jeff, and David.
7) Trained for and finished all 26.2 miles of the Country Music Marathon. I’m in good health, praise God!
What did not go well
Can we skip this part? Ok, here goes …
1) Scattered and often unfocused work flow. Not nearly as productive as I should have been. Way too much time spent on everything but job #1 – writing. Have not yet finished my free e-book or book. Productivity reducers include too much reading, researching, and working social media.
2. Did not develop profitable business models for smart passive income – no book, courses, nor coaching programs launched. Little measurable results from courses I invested in. Major fail. On the positive side, I’m making progress on shipping all of these for 2013.
3) My wife’s mother passed away. A sad season of other personal losses.
Vision: 2013 will be awesome!
2012 was a pretty good year, all things considered.
My theme words for 2013 will be something like “Create, Finish, Expand”.
I’m very excited about our international missions opportunities, especially traveling with Ivalene for our summer missions trip to eastern Europe, Sozo and Romania.
I’ll share more about the coming year in another post.
To close out this year, we draw a line under the past and move forward from there. We choose to say adios to the wounds, mistakes, and shortcomings.
Towards that end, I’d like to share this song I wrote, Say Goodbye to Yesterday.
“To move forward you must learn to say good-bye to yesterday’s hurts, tragedies and baggage. You can’t build a monument to past problems and fail forward.” – John Maxwell, Failing Forward
Question: What went well, and not so well for you this year? See you in the comments!
The Lord bless you!