I had the honor of helping lead music for the Ash Wednesday service at  Hendersonville First United Methodist Church. This ancient tradition is such a moving time of reflection on Christ beginning the Lent season.
One modern touch is the congregants write a “sin” on a piece of flash paper and place it on the cross. Then the cross is lit and the “sins” of the people are burned up in a spectacular ball of flame.
The service order.
Prelude: Give Us Clean Hands
Hymn: The Churches One Foundation
Scripture Psalm 51
Offertory: Kindness
Scripture: Hebrews 12:25-29
Sermon: “Warning, Consuming Fire”
Imposition of the Ashes
Prayer of Confession
The Lords Prayer
Hymn: Lord I Want To Be A Christian
Going Forth – everyone leaves in silence
Coming oh so very soon! My new e-book “Wholehearted Worshipâ€. Â