NOTE: This is a re-post from the blog on our fund-raising website, We’re consolidating all the stories from our 2011 Missions Trip over here on

This is really interesting. The other night, while I’m here teaching,  the Christian TV station Alpha Omega TV  re-played an interview I did back in 2005 for the Sozo Destiny of Nations Conference held in Timisoara.

2005 TV Interview in Romania

It’s pretty good I think and my younger self encouraged my older self. Check it out (note the intro is about 30 seconds long, then the interview begins):

“With New Thoughts, New Directions …”

The Romania School of Worship (Scoala de Inchinare)  is a great investment in the destiny of a nation for the glory of God.

I would like to raise more money to sponsor student scholarships. 

Contribute to a worthy cause: donate here.