Great service today. Don had a fabulous encouraging message. We had a powerful time of intercessory prayer in response. ( I may write a post about that.)
Summer travels present scheduling challenges for our team, but it’s all good. Bethany played bass and sang, she did great.
Here’s the rundown:
Welcome & Pass The Peace
Youth Missions Video
Pastoral Prayer (Don H.)
Hosanna (Baloche/Brown)
Your Grace Is Enough (Maher)
Everlasting God (Brenton Brown)
He Knows My Name (Tommy Walker)
Message: Sailing With Jesus: When The Wind Is Out Of Your Sails (Don H.)
Response: Prayer & Intercession / Pour Out Your Spirit (Tom Lane)
It Is Well With My Soul (Hymn)
Hold Us Together (Maher)
This post is part of The Worship Community Sunday Set list roundup. See what other communities are doing here:
By the way, Worship Leader Magazine is doing a similar blog report on worship song-lists, you can add yours here.