Dear Uncle Robbie,

I’m a tired worship leader ministering at a small church where my husband grew up. I give and give and give and pour out my heart to the Lord. Now, I’m facing opposition from the leadership and congregation at my church. I know it’s a spiritual attack. I know it’s not of the Lord, He values my heart. I know when I give and worship Him, He is glorified. My question is – What to do next? I need to know if what I’m doing is the best thing for the congregation. I need prayer on how to handle this. Is what I’m doing the most God honoring thing? I love worshipping and I love giving Him the praise. 

A Struggling Saint

Dear Struggling Saint,

First, I want you to know you are not alone. The Lord will be with you. He does value your heart. And He will give you the power you need at this time to give Him the most glory. He will help you experience His greatest joy as you serve your church and and work on solving the problem(s) at hand.

Leading worship is harder than it looks, isn’t it? The worship leaders journey is a roller coaster ride of emotional highs and lows. Though it can be an incredibly rewarding area to serve, the multitude of challenges can also be overwhelming.

So, you’ve received feedback or input from the “leadership and congregation” that you’re experiencing as opposition and spiritual attack. Though you did not describe the exact nature of the opposition, I’m guessing it was presented as a criticism or complaints about something.

Though it may hurt you, don’t take it too hard personally. (I know that’s “easier said than done” for most sensitive/creative/worshiper personality types.)

Use this as an opportunity to grow and improve.


With that in mind, here is a five step plan on what to do next.

1. Describe.

Describe in writing all the problem(s) as clearly and precisely as you can. Writing it down is essential because it aids clarity and therefore discernment. Often times you’ll get solutions just by thinking an issue through on paper.

Also, as an encouragement and idea generator, write down what’s positive and working well. It just may inspire more good ideas!

2. Discern.

Discernment grasps what is not obvious, it “reads between the lines.” Discernment sees through superficial appearance so you can evaluate or judge accurately.

So what do you discern is really going on? What is the Holy Spirit saying? Not every complaint is spiritual warfare. Some things you can practically address.

3. Get Practical.

Work on improving in the practical skills needed to respond to the areas of complaint.

It could be anything, but here are some common examples that can be fixed by working on your skill set:

  1. If you close your eyes too much and lose engagement, work on connecting with people and taking them with you in the throne room.
  2. If you have trouble playing and singing fast songs, practice a few and get them automatic.
  3. If the issue is timbre of voice – work on your voice tone and get voice coaching if you’re too shrill or pitchy.

4. Make Adjustments.

Make course corrections to respond in a helpful way to the area of complaint. Maybe it’s in your service planning.

Some typical problems that can be fixed by working on your planning:

  1. Song choice “too many slow songs” – then pick some fast ones.
  2. Make sure the songs are in singable keys for the congregation.
  3. Try to have a good balance of familiar songs with some fresh choices that fit your context.
  4. Also, communicate the adjustments you are making to your leadership so they know you’re working on improvement.

5. Persevere.

Hang in there with a positive, optimistic attitude. You’re there to serve, right? Speak the truth in love. Fight the good fight.

Spiritual warfare comes with the territory according to Ephesians 6:12:

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

We also struggle with the sin dynamics that are common to all of us – the world, the flesh and the devil.

For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. (1 John 2:15-17 ). 

Prayer, and having people interceding with and for you, is the most powerful weapon to overcoming opposition!


I hope these ideas encourage you to overcome the opposition you are experiencing.

First, write down the issues. Second, discern between what is spiritual and what is practical. Third, do what you can to address them. And finally, pray with the fortitude of a humble overcomer. You can do all things through Jesus Christ !


Father I pray you would release the spirit of wisdom and revelation to those who are struggling with opposition. I pray you would give them great discernment between what is spiritual and what can be done practically. I pray you would encourage them deep in their inner spirit. I pray that the Spirit of the Lord would arise and shine through them in the ministry where they serve. May You be glorified in all they say and do. In Jesus mighty name, Amen.