The Levittes knew how to bake bread.

I was making some bread this morning and remembered seeing these posts on Facebook.

They like it

So just for fun and by popular request. Here’s my video showing how beginners can make delicious bread.

Beginners Bread

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Here’s the recipe I use.

  • 51/2 cups whole wheat flour ( I use Kroger’s)
  • 2 cups bread flour
  • 2 Tablespoons of yeast
  • 1 Tablespoon Kosher salt (the secret ingredient)
  • Hot water
  1. Mix enough hot water to turn the flour into moist dough
  2. Cover and let rise (about an hour or more)
  3. Pour into buttered bread dish
  4. Let rise (about 20-40 minutes)
  5. Bake in 400 Oven about 25 – 30 min

I’ve combined a couple ideas to make it this simple. For a great site on how the pros make bread check out

Bon Appetite!

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