It was severe weather this morning with flash flood watches, yet we still had great attendance at the contemporary service of Hendersonville First United Methodist Church. There was a nice testimony on Facebook from a member today, read it at the end of this post.
Sunday’s Set list
From The Inside Out (Prelude)
Psalm 103:1-5 Reading
10,000 Reasons
A New Anointing
Forever Reign
Prayer / Dismiss Kids / Welcome New Members
Message: Be Transformed
From The Inside Out
How He Loves
Hold Us Together
Saw this nice note on Facebook after the service from Dee Wheeler:
What’s a woman to do on a rainy Sunday morning??? This woman found light as bright as the sun in a local gym. Yup. I went to the praise and worship service at Hendersonville First United Methodist Church Praise and worship service. I never thought I would hear worrying turned into something positive. Our Don Hutchinson says worrying is mulling over something again and again in your mind. Then he says if you can worry you can meditate. Finally he says read God’s word and mull it over again and again in your mind and you will draw nearer to God. I love this. Pretty much anyone can relate to this simple yet profound message. I love my church and of course it is made even brighter with the wonderful music created by our praise band with vocals by Rob Still, Travis Birch, and others. It may have been raining outside but my heart was filled with the light of the Lord. What a lovely day to be alive.
This post is part of the Worship Community Sunday Setlists, see what others are doing here:
Coming oh so very soon! My new e-book “Wholehearted Worshipâ€.  :