I had the great honor of spending the weekend at River of Life Community Church in Hudson, Ohio. A wonderful community of people that love Jesus!
I taught a Worship Team Workshop all day Saturday, then led worship and was the guest speaker Sunday morning. I also shared about our international missions work and projects coming up this year.
It was an amazing time, I’ll write more about that in another post.
Sunday’s Setlist:
- A New Anointing / This Is The Day
- Shabach
- Your Love Never Fails
- Our God
- 10,000 Reasons
- Holy, Holy Holy (hymn)
- Father I Adore You (spontaneous)
- Offering, Announcements
- Message: Wholehearted Worship & The Restoration of David’s Tabernacle
- Special Song: Say Goodbye to Yesterday
- Shekinah Glory
- Benediction
- Reprise: Shekinah Glory
Shop Talk:
Sunday’s worship team was a model of “joining the generations”. The 9 members were 3 teenagers, 3 young adults and 3 over 40. We had a LOT of fun and rocked it out.
Of the 8 worship songs, 4 were new or unfamiliar to them. That may seem like a lot, but they were easy and/or top CCLI songs. Part of my mission was to introduce some “new” songs into their repertoire.
This post is part of the Worship Community Sunday Setlists, see what others are doing here: http://www.theworshipcommunity.com/sunday-setlists/
Coming oh so very soon! My new e-book “Wholehearted Worshipâ€.  :