In just a few days I leave as for my missions trip to Uganda, Africa.

The terrorist attack at the mall in Kenya is a reminder this can be a dangerous endeavor.

But the safest place anyone can be is smack dab in the middle of God’s will.


[youtube id=”6BMQm_XY6FQ”]

I’ve been privileged to serve the Lord on short term mission projects in many nations and I’ve seen Him at work in powerful, sometimes miraculous ways with my own eyes.

But I’m especially excited about seeing Uganda first hand. Several years ago my company produced the music soundtrack with composer Steve Rosen for a documentary film called “Transformations II” directed by George Otis Jr and the Sentinel Group.

It describes the presence of God changing communities, and even nations in dramatic ways.

One of the stories is Uganda. This video is a shorter “trailer” that presents the highlights of the full length film. The Uganda segment starts at 3:33 in this video. I’m excited to go there personally and see where it is today.

Prayers needed and appreciated.

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We could not go without the prayers and financial support of our friends, family and partners. Send me an e-mail [rob at robstill dot com] to be part of this projects prayer team!