Here is the Sunday March 9 2014 edition of the Worship Recap Vlog, part of the Sunday Setlists roundup hosted by We were super blessed to have our Kids Praise Team and Joyful Noise sharing music in the services.
Watch the VIDEO: WORSHIP RECAP March 9
[youtube id=”VvQwMoNfR-0″]
Traditional Service:
Opening Hymn: Come We That Love The Lord
Special Music Kids Praise Team & Joyful Noise: How Great Is Our God / Father I Adore You
Middle: Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah
Closing Hymn: Only Trust Him
Benediction: God Be With You Til We Meet Again
The children’s choirs were delightful at both services. It was an early morning and despite losing an hour of sleep to Daylight Savings time, the kids (and parents!) were troupers! I was proud of them.
It was also wonderful to have multiple generations worshiping together. Our adult choir consistently reflects the joy of he Lord in our services. We had volunteers from the choir and contemporary team helping encourage and shepherd the young ‘uns as they sang. It was a beautiful sight.

Kids Praise Team & Joyful Noise
Senior Pastor Pastor Don Hutchinson’s sermon series was on the “I Am” sayings of Jesus – “I Am The Bread of Life.” Powerful message.

Senior Pastor Don Hutchinson
There was a great spirit in the house today.
And I had a lot of fun leading the Contemporary service, which was held in the sanctuary (usually it’s in the gym).
Contemporary Service:
You’re Worthy of All My Praise
10,000 Reasons
Special Music Kids Praise Team & Joyful Noise: How Great Is Our God / Father I Adore You
Only Trust Him
Offertory Music:Â Lord Have Mercy
Benediction: Love Will Hold Us Together

Contemporary Team March 9 20114
We also recognized the 94th birthday of Rev. Ben Alexander, who helps lead part of every Sunday service. I have the honor of sitting next to him most Sundays. Ben is quite possibly the oldest active pastor in the US right now.
See what other worshiping communities are doing here:
By the way, much thanks to for publishing my article, 8 Compelling Reasons to Study Worship Theology ! It’s part of my Practical Theology of Worship series and was originally published at
Over to you.
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