Sunday’s Setlists Contemporary Service (10:45am)
Travis Birch Leading
PRELUDE: Here I Am To Worship
- As It Is In Heaven
- Mighty To Save
- It Is Well With My Soul
- Baptism
- Message: (Don Hutchison)
- Whom Shall I Fear
- Graduating Seniors Recognition
- Offering
- “Friends” NWG Youth Choir, Ivalene & Rob Still Directing
- Benediction
- Hold Us Together
Traditional Service (8:15)
NWG Youth Choir, Ivalene & Rob Still Directing
- Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee
- Fairest Lord Jesus
- Special Music: None But Jesus
- Great Is Thy Faithfulness
Shop Talk
This was my sixth Sunday wearing a suit and tie, leading the traditional service in the sanctuary, and directing the choirs with Ivalene’s help. We’re having a great time. Lots of positive feedback.
The gym was completely packed for the contemporary service, great energy there for the student graduation.
We led the youth choir at both services and they’re a wonderful group of kids. God is moving!
This post is part of the Worship Community Sunday Setlists, see what others are doing here