A few years back I started doing an exercise by Chris Brogan called “my three words”. The idea is to choose three words that will serve as a guiding theme for the coming year. You can read more about it in his blog post here.

In his newsletter he shared these essentials of the process:

* Pick 3 words that guide your moments of choice in the coming year.
* Let the words have multifaceted meaning, provided the context makes sense to you.
* The words don’t have to match.
* Make each word matter to more than one aspect of your life.

This exercise is one way to focus on your goals and help you make choices congruent with them.

My Three Words

My three theme words for 2017 are:

â—† Return – Return to my “first love” (Revelation 2:1-7) which is quality time practicing the presence of God through Spirit-filled personal praise and worship. Return to doing the things that give me life. Return to quiet listening and responding. Return to being a heart set on fire.

â—† Revive – Revive my unique calling, identity and destiny. Be the very best version of myself I can be. Rebuild healthy, empowering relationships. Rebuild my business and income.

◆ ResoundBe a voice, not an echo. In this season, I’m called to write, teach and minster the gospel through worship music. I will complete and publish my writing and music projects. I will not die with my music still inside me. I will be a blessing so that others may be blessed.

So 2016 was a rough year. Though my primary goal was to get healthy, it seemed all I did was be sick and go to work. I got really burned out. But by faith I’m believing God is changing that environment for 2017. He has already done some wonderful things! I am hopeful – this will be the year of the Lord’s favor.

“Return to me and I will return to you” says the Lord Almighty. Malachi 3:7

So what about you? What are your theme words for this year?

Share in the comments below or on my Facebook page here.Â