Shabach "Towdah" @ NHC Heathcare June 3, 2013

Monday Sing-n-Serve – “Shabach – Towdah” @ NHC Heathcare [June 3, 2013]

The week of June 3-7, “NEW WORLD GENERATION”,  the youth choir of Hendersonville First United Methodist Church, (led by Ivalene and moi)  is “singing and serving” on the mission field of Middle Tennessee  through our outreach called “GLOCAL”. We have a music bootcamp in the early part of the day followed by outreaches in the afternoon / evening.

It’s a very  intense event! Here’s a few pics from the first two days. The outreach continues through Friday. Wednesday night we’ll sing and serve in the chapel service at the Nashville Rescue Mission.

Sing-n-Serve @ NHC Healthcare [Monday]

Sing-n-Serve @ NHC Healthcare [Monday]

"Whom Shall I Fear" Monday's outreach, singing-n-serving st NHC

“Whom Shall I Fear” Monday’s outreach, singing-n-serving st NHC

"Sing & Serve" @ NHC Healthcare, June 3

“Sing & Serve” @ NHC Healthcare // Playing Bingo with the Residents


Ministering with the residents, playing bingo!

Ministering with the residents @ NHC [Monday outreach]

Vocal Coach Sophie Shears

[Tuesday] Vocal Coach Sophie Shears taught an amazing Vocal Clinic

NWG Vocal Clinic

Sophie Shears Vocal Clinic was high energy, innovative and a lot of fun!


Team Picnic

After the clinic we had a Team Picnic  at Rock Castle

Rehearsal at Rock Castle Pavillion

Then we had a Rehearsal at Rock Castle Pavillion , Tuesday afternoon