Sunday Setlists!

Worship on November 3, 2013. Above: Kids Praise Team and Joyful Noise. Below: Adult Choir
A beautiful day for All Saints Sunday at church. Here’s the Sunday Setlists:
Traditional Service
- Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
- Here I Am To Worship (11am only)
- Special Music: Dash Between The Years
- Doxology
- Message
- Communion (There is A Fountain Filled With Blood)
- Shine Jesus Shine
- Let Everything That Has Breath (Kids Praise Team and Joyful Noise)
- Your Grace Is Enough
- The Great I Am
- Message
- Communion
- Breathe
- Holy Holy Holy
- Hold Us Together
Shop Talk
1. The All Saints ceremony was beautiful. The names of folks from the church who passed on was read aloud with their photograph projected on the screen. A bell was rung and a candle lit. It was very moving.
2. I shared my song “Dash Between The Years” and that was very well received. (See this post for the video, lyrics and song story).
3. The Kids Praise Team (For children in grades 1 through 6) and Joyful Noise (Kindergarten & Preschool) sang my song “Let Everything That Has Breath” in the Contemporary Service. This was the song I wrote on my recent missions trip to Uganda, Africa. The kids music Director is my wife Ivalene and the children were just awesome! So energetic!
It was a very good day with excellent attendance, glory to God.
This post is part of the Worship Community Sunday Setlists, see what others are doing here:Â