![Jesus said "let's take a break and get a little rest" Mark6:30 [Sunrise May 4 2013, it was a rainy day and not the best photo op]](https://www.robstill.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Sunrise-May-4-2013-570x570.jpg)
Jesus said “let’s take a break and get a little rest” Mark6:30 [Sunrise May 4 2013, it was a rainy day and not the best photo op]
Day 34 Rest and Recreation
As they met and ate meals together, he told them that they were on no account to leave Jerusalem but “must wait for what the Father promised: the promise you heard from me. John baptized in water; you will be baptized in the Holy Spirit. And soon.â€Â … Acts 1:4-5 (MSG)
The truth is, as I write this, right now I could really use some R&R (rest and relaxation).
There is a biblical rhythm to work and rest – six days on, one day off.
 “You have six days each week for your ordinary work, but on the seventh day you must stop working, even during the seasons of plowing and harvest.” Exodus 34:21 NLT
Sabbath rest is not optional, it’s a commandment. Sadly, I find I break this one far too often. I gotta repent and change my ways. Again.
Active Waiting
In the Acts 1:4-5Â passage I don’t think Jesus was saying, “take a vacation” (although I wish I could interpret it that way!).
This was active waiting, a time of “constant prayer” (Acts 1:14)Â and intentionally not taking action until …
Until God was in it.
Jesus lived by this model of prayer and waiting. (Matthew 14:23; Mark 1:35; Luke 5:16).
He created space to hear clearly from his Heavenly Father.
Take a break
Jesus also rested. He was human and needed time to get his batteries recharged, just like you and me.
He instructed his followers to do the same.
The apostles then rendezvoused with Jesus and reported on all that they had done and taught. Jesus said, “Come off by yourselves; let’s take a break and get a little rest.†For there was constant coming and going. They didn’t even have time to eat. Mark 6:30-31 (MSG)
Ok, let’s do that.
Let’s Pray:
I invite you to pray with me, if this is true for you too.
“Father I repent of not honoring your commandment to keep the Sabbath. Thank you for forgiving me. I trust your leadership to get the work done that needs to be done. Thank you for your faithfulness in all things. In Jesus name, Amen.â€
About This Devotional Series
According to the historical church calendar, the Easter season is the 50 day period from Resurrection Sunday to Pentecost Sunday. I’ll post a fresh devotional thought with my sunrise photo of that morning, everyday through Pentecost, commenting as the Spirit inspires. Check out the rest of the series here.
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