We had a fabulous Resurrection Sunday celebration at Christ Community Church in McMinnville, TN. Great community of folks. The place was packed, not only with people, but also the joy and love of Jesus. Paul Roberts is a great pastor and teacher.

After the service the whole church stayed for a potluck brunch. Yum.

A New Anointing (This Is The Day) – chorus only

Christ The Lord Is Risen Today

Happy Day

Lord I Lift Your Name On High

Revelation Song

Dance With Me (Chris Dupre)

Crown Him With Many Crowns (offertory)

A New Anointing (This Is The Day) – reprise chorus only

It was also special to have my wife Ivalene singing on the team, first time she’s done that in a while.  We were joined by our friends Aaron and Mandy Sotiriadis on drums and vocals (she also did a nice flute solo on “Dance With Me”). The rest of the team was Judith Roney (piano), Doug Roberts (guitar)  and Jeff Wilson (bass).  Love those guys.

A great day. He is Risen indeed.

This post is part of the Worship Community Sunday Set list roundup (http://www.theworshipcommunity.com/sunday-setlists-144/)