Beloved readers, I’d like your help with an upcoming project.
Imagine this, worship dudes and dudettes.
You’ve been asked to lead a new “contemporary” service in the gym of a mainline denominational congregation. Historically, the worship services have been very traditional – sanctuary, stained glass, pews, printed programs, organ, hymns – not exactly “modern worship.”
Where do you begin?
What songs would introduce first? What songs would you add over the next 3 months?
I’d love to get the advice of you guys reading this.
For inspiration and reference, here’s the latest CCLI Top 25 list.
Help me pick a core group of songs to get started. There’s so many good ones today. Which ones do you think would be essential? Why?
I’d like to curate a list of about 30 God centered, theologically sound songs, keeping in mind 3 Organizing Scriptures of Worship.
Thanks for reading and thanks for your help.
Question: What songs would you choose for your first service? Why? What about after that? Share your thoughts in the comments.