Day 17 What is that to you?
20 Peter turned and saw that the disciple whom Jesus loved was following them. (This was the one who had leaned back against Jesus at the supper and had said, “Lord, who is going to betray you?â€) 21 When Peter saw him, he asked, “Lord, what about him?â€
22 Jesus answered, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me.â€
23 Because of this, the rumor spread among the believers that this disciple would not die. But Jesus did not say that he would not die; he only said, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you?â€
24Â This is the disciple who testifies to these things and who wrote them down. We know that his testimony is true. John 21:20-24
There’s a lot of life application in this little exchange.
After all that time hanging around the Son of God, it seems like at least some of the master’s teaching didn’t rub off on the disciples.
Apparently they didn’t understand the Kingdom attitudes about comparison, promotion and entitlement.
What about him?
There were favoritism issues with John.  In Matthew 20 John’s mom, Salome, makes a request that her sons – James and John, be promoted to a special position, at his right and left hand in his kingdom. Jesus replies, “lady you don’t know what you’re asking, and besides that, it’s not my call”
Mom’s idea did not sit well with their colleagues. They took offense. They were indignant.
But the disciples got it all wrong. So do you and I.
Wouldn’t it be a pretty wonderful thing if you or I were invited to a place of special honor? What if you got an invitation to a White House dinner? I would like that. That would be pretty awesome.
Why should we not rejoice for someone “not me” being granted special privilege?”
Like the rest of God’s ways, we can’t earn His favor or grace, it’s a gift to be appreciated. And it’s a gift to celebrate when others are promoted. Even when it seems you are overlooked.
We deserve nothing. We’re not entitled to anything. Resurrection people are empowered to lose the entitlement mentality.Â
“On your part, when you have done everything you were told to do, should say, ‘We are unworthy servants; we have only done our duty.’†Luke 17:10
But He gives us everything.
The greatest blessing comes from giving, from serving, from obeying. If we keep that mind set, we can receive his blessing. That is abundant living, when your life is about more than you.
After Jesus essentially tells Peter, “My deal with John is none of your business”, his message seems to be:
“Your focus is being diverted. Don’t be concerned about the assignments of your fellow laborers. Reorient your thinking. Don’t neglect the unique call I have given just for you. Remember what you signed up for, to follow me – whatever the cost”
Jesus reminds us of his original call, simply – Follow Me!
All To Jesus I Surrender
1. All to Jesus I surrender; all to him I freely give;
I will ever love and trust him, in his presence daily live.
I surrender all, I surrender all,
all to thee, my blessed Savior,
I surrender all.
2. All to Jesus I surrender; humbly at his feet I bow,
worldly pleasures all forsaken; take me, Jesus, take me now.
 3. All to Jesus I surrender; make me, Savior, wholly thine;
fill me with thy love and power; truly know that thou art mine.
4. All to Jesus I surrender; Lord, I give myself to thee;
fill me with thy love and power; let thy blessing fall on me.
Let’s Pray:
I invite you to pray with me today.
“Lord, all to Jesus I surrender. Help me to hear your voice today, answer your call , and follow wholeheartedly. Deliver me from comparison, self promotion, and feeling entitled to anything. I trust Your leadership in every aspect of my life. Your kingdom come. Your will to be done. On earth as it is in heaven. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.â€
About This Devotional Series
According to the historical church calendar, the Easter season is the 50 day period from Resurrection Sunday to Pentecost Sunday. I’ll post a fresh devotional thought with my sunrise photo of that morning, everyday through Pentecost, commenting as the Spirit inspires. Check out the rest of the series here.
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