I’ve got a new Kindle book coming out, “WORSHIP ACTIONS & ATTITUDES: Understanding 10 Hebrew Words for Praise”. It is a very quick and easy read. I wrote it in response to the large interest shown for Hebrew praise words from my earlier blog post.
Understanding the Biblical foundations of “why we do the things we do” in worship is so very important. It’s vital to worshiping “in spirit and in truth.”
Having a deep appreciation for the original meaning behind these ancient Hebrew praise words can profoundly shape the way you worship.
The Kindle book edition of   “WORSHIP ACTIONS & ATTITUDES: Understanding 10 Hebrew Words for Praise” explores the topic much deeper and expands beyond my original article (and much of the free stuff you’ll randomly find on the internet), in four substantial ways:
First, each word is presented:
- With the original Hebrew symbol;
- Â The number of times it appears in scripture;
-  The corresponding reference number from Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible. (You can further reference these at a website such as BlueLetterBible.org for more research.)
Second, there are at least three Scriptural references for each word using them in context.
Third, I’ve condensed and modernized the translations for simplicity and clarity.
Finally, I share Practical Application Tips for each expression from my personal worship leading experience. This may be the most insightful part of the book for worship leaders and planners.
My hope and prayer is that having a deeper understanding of God’s word through this study will inspire and invigorate your expressions of praise and worship!
Bonus Resources for “Worship Actions & Attitudes” Understanding 10 Hebrew Praise Words
Worship Actions & Attitudes comes with a suite of free useful downloadable resources including:
- A “Slideshow” style e-book.
- A One Page Guide
- A video teaching
Bonus #1: “Slideshow” style e-book (PDF)

Free “slideshow”style ebook.
The slideshow layout PDF is oriented for visual learners with beautiful images and big bold type. This is a “lite” companion version of the Kindle book. It has less content, does not include the introductory chapters, and omits the “Practical Application” sections.
Bonus #2:Â One Page Summary Guide (PDF)
The Worship Actions & Attitudes Guide includes all 10 words in one handy dandy infographic style, featuring the the illustrative slide for each word. You can even print it out and use as an 8×10 poster.

The Worship Actions & Attitudes PDF Guide
Bonus #3: Go Deeper with the Video Teaching

Free Module: “Actions & Attitudes”
Also included is my video teaching on “Actions & Attitudes” from our course WHY WE WORSHIP: A Discipleship Course For Worship Ministry Volunteers.
The first part of the video explains in about five minutes:
- What is praise?
- Why Is praise important?
- How are we to praise? What does the Bible say?
The second half of the video further explores the “Actions and Attitudes” behind these 10 essential Hebrew Words.