Cantata Graphic copy

This past weekend we shared our choir cantata, “The Night Before The Cross”. It was a great blessing for everyone. Our choir worked super hard and I was very proud of them. They carry a joyful attitude that is transformative.

Some of the feedback we received:

  • “Powerful…”
  • “Most inspiring, heartfelt cantata I’ve ever been to …”
  • “It gave me goosebumps …”
  • “Great flow and story …”

The “The Night Before The Cross” explores events and stories preceding the arrest of Jesus and his subsequent passion. All of the songs were composed by John G. Elliott (copyright Galestorm Music, et al). The Cantata concept was written and edited by Rob Still.

The full extent of Jesus love
our lives may now portray
then the world will see there’s truth in what we say
He calls us to obey, to disregard the cost
and do what Jesus did
on the night before the cross.

The Night Before The Cross, John G. Elliott

Here’s the program with song listings. All songs are available in I-tunes.

Introit : As Long As You Give Me Breath         
*Call to Worship: Responsive Reading Psalm 136, 118
Songs of Praise    
This Is The Day                 
The Lord Is Good                         
Let All The Thirsty Come
Scripture Reading: Jesus Cleanses The Temple (John 2:13-17)
My House Shall Be A House of Prayer                     
Offertory Song: How Long Oh Lord? – Rob Still soloist
*Doxology (to the tune of Greensleeves)
Offering Prayer
Scripture Story: Jesus Raises Lazarus From The Dead
A Heart That Tears Can Touch
Scripture Reading: Jesus Washes the Disciples Feet (John 13:1-17) 
The Night Before The Cross John G. Elliott, soloist
Embrace The Cross

Holy Communion – led by Pastor
Communion Music
Worthy Is The Lamb
I Am Crucified With Christ                     
Invitation to Discipleship
Closing Hymn
Overwhelmed By Victory           
Benediction Song: God Be With You Til We Meet Again

This was my first time preparing a choir cantata, and though the process was a LOT of work, the final result was wonderful on many levels. Our contemporary team lead by Travis also produced a great cantata for their service, that will be the subject of a different post. All the services were very well attended, praise God.

This post is part of the Sunday Setlists roundup at See what other worshiping communities are doing here :