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“Yet I hold this against you:

You have forsaken your first love.

Remember the height from which you have fallen!

Repent and do the things you did at first.

If you do not repent,

I will come to you and remove your lampstand from it’s place.”

Revelation 2:4

Today’s encouragement for wholehearted worship  is simply this:

Return the first commandment to first place in your life.

I’m speaking this to myself as well!

Make loving Jesus your first love.

That’s how you gain the perspective and spiritual energy to overcome anything. Burnout, disillusionment, disappointment, church politics, betrayal, rejection, criticism, overwork – the list goes on.

Do the things you did at first.

Recently I spent a little time in personal worship with the song “I Could Sing Of Your Love Forever .” It has been years since I sang that song, but when I “remembered” First Love, it came effortlessly to mind.

When we engage in active remembering, it actually changes our mental condition. “As a man thinks, so he is.”

Jesus was telling us how to return to him – by remembering, repenting and doing.

Question: What is a song or memory that has helped you remember your first love?