Note: Hey friends, I’ve been busy this summer preparing an online course on worship and discipleship. Over the years I’ve been influenced and inspired by the work of A. W. Tozer, as have many in the worship space. The following are several quotes I pulled from chapter 1 of the book entitled “Tozer on Worship and Entertainment“. Use them to energize your ideas about worship. 

(AW Tozer compiled by James L. Snyder, (c) 1997 Zur Ltd., Wing Spread Publishers, Camp Hill, PA) (The headings are my own.)

Our Hearts Long For Him

Worship seeks union with its beloved, and an active effort to close the gap between the heart and the God it adores is worship at its best. p.2

Don’t Worship for What You Receive

We [do] calm our spirits and there is a soothing effect in worship, but the primary object of church attendance is not to relax – it is to offer worship, which belongs to God. p.3

A Happy Ending

When all the full redeemed universe is back once more worshiping God in full voice, happily and willingly, then we will see the new creation – the new heaven and the new earth. p.4 

Worship Is About All of Life

Worship must be all – entire. By that I mean that the total life must worship God. The whole personality has to worship God or our worship is not perfect. Faith, love, obedience, loyalty, high conduct and life most be taken as burnt offerings and offered to God. p.4

Follow The Nature of Jesus

There is no magic in faith or in names. You can name the name of Jesus a thousand times; but if you will not follow the nature of Jesus the name of Jesus will not mean anything to you. We cannot worship God and live after our own nature. p.7

Worship Is For More Than One Day A Week

There is no such thing known in heaven as Sunday worship unless it is accompanied by Monday worship and Tuesday worship and so on. p.9

Worship God Anytime, Anyplace, Anywhere

You don’t need to be in church – you can worship God at your desk; you can worship God on an elevated train or driving in traffic; you can worship God washing dishes or ironing clothing; you can worship God in school or on the basketball court. You can worship God in whatever activities are legitimate and right and good; you need not be in church all the time. How could you be? p.9

Resolve to Get Your Thought Life Right

God won’t dwell in spiteful thoughts, polluted thoughts, lustful thoughts, covetous thoughts or prideful thoughts. He will only dwell in meek, pure, charitable, clean and loving thoughts. He will dwell in positive thoughts … but they must be pure thoughts, thoughts that are like God’s. God will dwell in them as a sanctuary. p.11

Theology. Experience. Thinking.

Your theology is your foundation. The superstructure is your spiritual experience built on that foundation. But the high bell towers where the carillons are – those are your thoughts. p.11

Make your thoughts a sanctuary God can inhabit, and don’t let any of the rest of your life dishonor God. p.11

There is Grace!

If God knows your intention is to worship him with every part of your being, God will be smelling the incense of your holy intention even if the world for a time claims your legitimate interest. p.12

Cooperate With God

We can attain to this by cooperating with God. On God’s side is love, grace, atonement, promises, the Holy Ghost; on our side is determination, seeking, yielding, believing. Even when you are embroiled in earthly activities, at the same time your whole life can be a fragrant altar of worship that pleases God. p.12

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