Wow, 2013 was a year of big transitions!
The most significant story was accepting a full time staff position at HFUMC as Music & Worship Director. That has been the game changer and God is really blessing that ministry assignment. More about that later.
What went well in 2013.
1. Worship Team Workshop, Cleveland Ohio. I had a wonderful time teaching and leading this weekend training event with an eager group of musicians and singers at the River of Life Church in January. Wonderful friends.
2.  From Easter To Pentecost Devotional Series. For the 50 consecutive days during the Easter season (the 50 day period from Resurrection Sunday to Pentecost Sunday) I wrote a fresh devotional thought with my sunrise photo of that morning, commenting as the Spirit inspired. The follow up is a new book releasing around Holy Week of 2014, “Resurrection Power.”
3. Inspire Worship Conference – This event was a first rate experience and we had a blast meeting great folks from all over the country. My wife Ivalene taught a Children’s Worship Workshop. I was honored to lead two seminars – “Worshiping Our Huge God in a Small Church” and “Worship Ministry Blueprint”.Â
4. Rock-N-Worship Camp – Salisbury, MD. This was our third summer investing in the teenagers of Maryland’s Eastern Shore in my home town. The impact on kids lives and the feedback from students was again phenomenal.
5. UMC Men’s Conference Worship Concert. I had the great honor of leading a “worship concert” billed as Rob Still and Friends. It was an amazing night. The response of thousands of men gathered from all over the nation was off the charts high energy. I had the additional joy of playing with dear friends old and new.

Rob Still & Friends UMC Men’s Conference
6. Serbia, Romania Missions Trip. Ivalene and I traveled and ministered together, her first time in both Serbia and Romania. She taught Children’s School of Worship at SOZO Festival and we teamed up speaking at churches and the Scoala de Inchinare in Timisoara, Romania. Additionally, we were able to visit Vienna for a few days.
7. Africa Missions Trip. This was my first trip to Africa, something I’ve always wanted to do. We had a very fruitful mission ministering with dental clinics for children. I taught and also appeared on radio, TV and shared at revival services.
8. JOYFUL! Christmas Recording. We began recording tracks for what will be my first new studio project in a long time. I’m excited about this new Christmas record releasing the fall of 2014.
It was a good year with a very unexpected shift in direction. This has been good and a great blessing.
I’m grateful for the support of our friends, family and followers as we continue on this mission of encouraging wholehearted worship worldwide.
I’ll share vision and goals for 2014 in another post. Have a great New Year!