I love Advent season. It’s an opportunity to remember and celebrate the grace Jesus gives us.
Grace – “unmerited divine assistance given humans”, a free gift from God.
I could really sense the presence of the Prince of Peace with us today. It was a beautiful second Sunday in Advent at Hendersonville First United Methodist Church.
By the way there’s an awesome free Advent e-Book from John Piper / Desiring God at this link.
And, I’m posting a daily Advent thought and photo on my Facebook page, stop by and “like” it!
Here’s the worship service and song list.
Advent Reading – Week Two
O Come O Come Emmanuel
Come Now Is The Tine To Worship
Lifting My Hands
Message: Joseph’s Struggle
Special Music:
Joseph’s Lullaby (Travis Birch & Mark Lowry) this was awesome!
Hark The Herald Angels
Joy To The World (Chris Tomlin version)
Hold Us Together
This post is part of the Worship Community Sunday Setlists, see what others are doing here: http://www.theworshipcommunity.com/sunday-setlists-229/