Every once in a while I’m invited to review books, CD’s and other worship resources.

I’d like to recommend a short but profound little e-book Eight Words by Jon Nichol. Jon runs the Worship Team Coach.com website.

From their website:

“For Personal Reflection or Corporate Worship
Eight Words was originally written as a “meditation” or “devotional” for a Good Friday service. It can be read in about 15 minutes, but don’t let the brevity mislead you. It will cause you to think differently about Jesus’ final eight words”

My friend Chris Gambill wrote a great blog post on Good Friday including an in-depth review of the book:

“Eight Words is one of the best Good Friday devotionals I have read. He doesn’t just rehash the same content in a new way, he comes at the why of Good Friday with a fresh and challenging perspective. It doesn’t take long to read, but it stays with you for days as you think about the implications of what he has written.”

Personally, I really liked Eight Words, I thought it was fresh, insightful and a good read.

It’s available in individual and bulk sales configurations at this link: http://www.worshipteamcoach.com/get-stuff/worship-products/eight-words-an-ebook [Note: I have no affiliate relationship with them, I just like the book]

How you can get a FREE copy. For a very limited time, Jon has graciously allocated a few copies  for readers of my blog. If you’d like to get one,  just leave a comment, sign up for my newsletter and I’ll send you a copy:

Question: What does Good Friday mean to you? See you in the comments!