Mothers Day and Graduate Recognition were part of festivities at today’s Contemporary Service at Hendersonville First United Methodist Church. Really good attendance and participation. Here’s the recap.

Your Love Never Fails -  We introduced this Jesus Culture song as a prelude before the official start of the service. We plan on adding this song to the rotation.


Psalm 19:1-4 Reading – we read this while vamping on the 1 chord intro for ….

For The Beauty of The Earth /

Praise, We Give You Praise – this is a simple tag  chorus we sang between the verses of the hymn “For The Beauty”

Then we spontaneously sang this antiphonal song:

“Praise the Father / Praise the Father

Praise you Jesus / Praise you Jesus

Praise the Spirit / Praise the Spirit

Praise the Father / Praise the Father

Praise you Jesus / Praise you Jesus”

Which led immediately into the first line “Water you turned into wine …” in the next song …

Our God

Mighty To Save

Message: Esther: For Such A Time As This (Don Hutchison)

Responsive Prayer: “Lord Hear Our Prayer” – a simple sung chorus I wrote for the prayer

Recognition of Graduates

“Friends” (Michael W. Smith) NWG Choir – It’s a HFUMC tradition going back many years for the New World Generation youth choir to sing and dedicate this song for the graduates.


Hold Us Together

This post is part of The Worship Community Sunday Set list roundup. See what other communities are doing here:

By the way, Worship Leader Magazine is doing a similar blog report on worship song-lists, you can add yours here.