I’ve had several conversations lately with music artist friends about increasing their reach.

One resource I highly recommend is the new book by Michael Hyatt, “Platform: Getting Noticed In A Noisy World”. The ideas in this book apply to a wide range of communicators, that would include Authors, Public Speakers, Bloggers, Recording Artists, Politicians, Business Owners, Sales People and Pastors. Definitely Church Communications specialists.

To make a big splash with this weeks launch, he has a promotion going on with bonuses worth $375.98. It ends in about 2 days.

I bought the book on Amazon for $13.89. You do the math.

I’ve been checking out the bonus material and the book, and I got to say – it is phenomenal. If you are interested in amplifying your message on line, you gotta get this book. 

The bonuses include videos, additional e-books and the full audio version of the book.

Freakin’ WOW!

Here’s my Amazon affiliate link.

[If you buy it through the Amazon affiliate link on this page, I get a few pennies.]

I think Hyatt is setting the gold standard for how to use the web to communicate ideas and this is a powerful body of knowledge that can be applied in a wide variety of contexts.

So, if that’s something that would be useful to you, I recommend you get this book now before the bonuses go away.

Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World

And that’s my pitch. By the way,  I’m not part of their promo team or anything.  I just think it’s an amazing bundle of resources and a great deal. For real.

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