Maybe the fastest week of my life, this year’s Level 1 courses jut seemed to fly by. Super busy, intense week for worship dude.
I’ve been taking pictures with my Kodak Zi8 Camcorder which is a decent camcorder with proper light, but not so good at taking a clear photograph. I’ll have to get proper photo’s from other folks to post.
There’s no internet right now at the school and they’re closing down this cafe right now, so I’m going to try and post this very hasty blog. It’s 11 pm here as I write this.
Pray for me this weekend.
I catch a 5am train and ride about 6 hours to Cluj. Will do a night of worship with Decean Saturday night. Then speak at their church on Sunday. Then Sunday night speak at the church in Ocna Moresh.
Ride back all night and teach Monday at the school.
This school is a great investment in the destiny of a nation for the glory of God. Contribute to a worthy cause: donate here.
Comments? I’d love some comments!