Wow, another Sunday of growing attendance at the start-up Contemporary Worship service at Hendersonville First United Methodist Church, TN. It was our 12th service and very good day, praise the Lord.
After welcoming announcements, we started off with this spanky attitude video:
“Welcome To Our Church”
Here’s the worship recap.
- Video “Welcome to Our Church”
- Psalm 18: 1-3 Congregational Reading
- Everlasting God
- The Shema
- This was the first time I introduced this to the congregation.
- A New Anointing (This Is The Day)
- How Great Is Our God
- The Lord’s Prayer
- Message Series: “Linked In: The Means of Graceâ€Â #2- Scripture
- A great sermon from Brad Holliman.
- Response: Thy Word (Chorus only)
- This was not planned but seemed to fit the moment and the mesage
- Offering
- In Christ Alone
- Benediction
- “Hold Us Together
†(our traditional closer and most popular song)
How’s your voice doing this winter?
For practical vocal tips, see my post on Vocal Health Tips For Singers.
I was a little concerned before the service because I’m fighting a scratchy throat. The cold weather, low humidity and vocal fatigue are not a good combination. I followed my own advice from this article on Vocal Health Tips and made it through ok.
This post is part of the Worship Community Sunday Set list roundup. See what other communities are doing here: