Christ Community Church McMinnville. TN

Wow, there’s a bunch of good lessons learned from this weekend’s worship experience with Christ Community Church, McMinnville, TN. In fact I’ve got at least 2 ideas for posts beyond today’s recap. They’ll probably have titles like ….

  1. When you get lemons, make lemonade.
  2. What’s your back-up plan?

There was a problem with the media computer so there was no way to project lyrics. Of course, today I had planned a bunch of “wordy” songs.

What would you do? How do you solve unexpected difficulties?

We took the band’s music and made enough photocopies for everyone in the congregation to have a songbook. I had fun with the situation and said stuff like “Please turn to page 2 in your hymn book” and cued folks along as we sang the songs. Turned out to be a joyful morning.

That was a good solution. I’ll discuss more ideas about planning for “worship leader emergencies”  in my next post, including a video conversation with the pastor.

It was a very good day.

Here’s the set with some crib notes:

  • My Savior Lives (Jon Egan, Glen Packiam)
    • Great lyrics declaring the resurretion of Christ, easy to play and very hooky.
  • Your Grace is Enough (Matt Maher)
    • The people really sang out on this chorus, “Your grace is enough for me!”
  • How Firm A Foundation (Hymn, Public Domain)
    • We did this with a walking guitar riff , Lyle Lovett-ish.
  • Your Word (Tag chorus for How Firm – Jonathan Riggs, Rob Still, Tim Henning)
    • Jonathan Riggs and I wrote this last fall but with a very different groove than today’s version. You can see the original demo video here.
  • Lord You Are Good (Anthony Skinner, Ross Huskinson, Scott McLeod)
    • It’s been forever since I last used this song, like maybe 5-6 years,  and it was anointed. Anthony, Ross and Scott (along with Tom Lane) are friends and this is one of the many, many amazing songs they wrote at The Foundry back in the day. Just a great worship song on many levels.
    • The lyrics are good theology, personal and a real conversation with God.
    • The melody is antiphonal, simple and very hooky, and the chorus is deeply worshipful.
    • Love this song. Somebody like Jesus Culture should record it and make it a big hit, like “Blow Mighty Breath of God” or “Your Love Never Fails.”

This post is part of the Worship Community Sunday Set list roundup. See what other communities are doing here:

 How about you? Comments?