Light of the world you stepped down into darkness, opened my eyes, made me see. Here I am to worship!  [Sunrise May 1 2013]

Light of the world you stepped down into darkness, opened my eyes, made me see. Here I am to worship! [Sunrise May 1 2013]

Happy May Day!  I’m so blessed by all God is revealing in this devotional series, hope you are too!

Day 31 Just as He Told You

6 but the angel said, “Don’t be alarmed. You are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead! Look, this is where they laid his body. 7 Now go and tell his disciples, including Peter, that Jesus is going ahead of you to Galilee. You will see him there, just as he told you before he died.”  Mark 16:6-7 (NLT)

During this 40 day period when Jesus was sharing life with his friends and followers, they had to be processing all they  learned from him before he died.

This was the paradigm shift of paradigm shifts. Now all of his words, all of his teaching had a new perspective – one of absolute authority.

Jesus was not only absolutely right, he was absolutely trustworthy. His word was better than money in the bank.

“just as he told you before he died”

His manifesto was the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7). Jesus lived a life and taught principles that were contrary to human nature – love your enemies, turn the other cheek, give with no strings attached, be pious in private, ask God boldly for what you want, choose the narrow road; evaluate by results, not just words.

Jesus was not teaching good ideas you could take or leave. Jesus was teaching absolute truth that would change your life for the better. No doubt about it.

The proof is in the resurrection.

It’s not a onetime event to be commemorated or even celebrated. It is a call to a life of completely trusting and following the Son of God.

Let’s Pray:

I invite you to pray with me.

“Lord help us remember the truth you have taught in your word. Help us to trust you completely. Thank you for the power of your resurrection living in us right now. May we give you glory and all that we say and do. In Jesus name, Amen.”

Trust and Obey

When we walk with the Lord
in the light of his word,
what a glory he sheds on our way!
While we do his good will,
he abides with us still,
and with all who will trust and obey.
Trust and obey,
for there’s no other way
to be happy in Jesus,
but to trust and obey.
Text: John H. Sammis, 1846-1919

About This Devotional Series

According to the historical church calendar, the Easter season is the 50 day period from Resurrection Sunday to Pentecost Sunday.  I’ll post a fresh devotional thought with my sunrise photo of that morning, everyday through Pentecost, commenting as the Spirit inspires. Check out the rest of the series here.

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