Praise Team 3-17-13 at HFUMC
We’ve entered into an interesting season at HFUMC and I’m learning a lot. This was my second Sunday leading the choir for the Traditional service as well as the praise team for the Contemporary service. More about that in Shop Talk.
Sunday’s Setlist
- Prayer of Confession (Reading: Book of Common Prayer)
- Glory To God Forever
- 10,000 Reasons
- One Thing Remains
- The Apostles Creed (Reading)
- Message: Bethany: Jesus Home Away From Home (Don Hutchison)
- What a Friend We Have In Jesus (hymn)
- Offering
- Overcome
- Benediction
- Be Thou My Vision (It was St. Patrick’s Day, and this is an Irish song)
- Hold Us Together
Shop Talk
Contemporary Service Notes:
One goal I have for our praise team is to build up a pool 2 or 3 deep at each position so we don’t rely on just a few volunteers, that way the core team can get some Sunday’s off and not burn out. I also want to be intentional about adding youth to the mix so they gain experience with the adults. So this weeks team included some newer folks plus those who had not had a lot of reps lately.
We rocked it pretty hard, repeating “Overcome†for the second week (it’s on the plan for Easter), and One Thing Remains for the third week. Took a very chilled folky approach to the hymn of response, “What A Friend We Have In Jesus”. I felt there was great participation from our congregation.
Since it was St Patricks Day, we ended with Be Thou My Vision so everyone could let their inner Irish come out. I saw a LOT of green out there. Then of course, we concluded with the HFUMC tradition of Hold Us Together.
Traditional Service Notes:
This was my second Sunday leading the choir for the Traditional service and we had a blast. We combined forces with our youth choir (called NWG for New World Generation). They sang the special music, “This Is My Prayer” from the Prayer of Jabez musical.
We all sang together as the anthem “What A Friend We Have In Jesus”. They sang their hearts out and I was very proud of everyone.
The other hymns from Sunday included Come Thou Almighty King, Be Thou My Vision
and Take My Life.
If I keep directing the choir I’ll probably take a conducting workshop and brush up my chops. Although I took conducting as part of my college music degree (shout out for Salisbury University Music Dept. ! ) I never really needed those skills till now.
Let the good times roll.
This post is part of the Worship Community Sunday Setlists, see what others are doing here: http://www.theworshipcommunity.com/sunday-setlists-243/
Coming oh so very soon! The first in my new worship e-book series.Â