This is a guest post  I contributed to, Nine Truths to Empower The Worship Leaders Mindset. The website by Jon Nicol is a great resource, I love his pithy humor.

Here’s the intro to my post, it will run as a two part series.


Worship leaders, singers and musicians tend to be a sensitive lot.

We are “feelers”. We are sensitive to the presence of God in our worship. We sense the response – or lack thereof – of our congregations.  And we can be thin-skinned to the feedback we receive from leaders, friends and others.

Leading worship is not easy to do.

The challenges and problems that come with the territory can get inside your head and get you down.

It’s normal to get discouraged.

We can overcome discouragement by strengthening our thinking. I call this – developing the worship leader’s mindset.

We need to continually renew our minds (Romans 12:2) with the truth of who God is, what he has done for us, and who we are in Christ Jesus.

This perspective of heaven is empowering.

Here are 9 theological truths to inspire, encourage and empower the worship leaders mindset.

Read the rest of this post … check it out and leave some comment love.
