I’m grateful for the fine leaders on our team at HFUMC . Travis Brich led the band and vocals for most of the set. I played and sang in a support role.
We opened with this Worship Intro Video, “Worship Jesus” :
The setlist:
My Savior Lives
10,000 Reasons
Message: Have You Read It For Yourself?
Forever Reign
Testimony: Youth Choir
Video: Operation Christmas Box
Hold Us Together
We’re blessed to have an awesome group of vocalists and Travis did a fine job leading.
If you follow me on Facebook you may have known that my mother-in-law passed away last week. My wife and I led a lot of music for her funeral on Friday in Delaware. By the time I drove  the 850 miles back to Nashville on Saturday, my physical and emotional tank was depleted. Today, the team carried me.
One benefit of worship is to connect with the comfort of the Holy Spirit through the lyrics and melodies of great songs that build faith, like these.
Great is your faithfulness
Great is your faithfulnessÂ
You never change
You never fail, oh God
[Unchanging / Chris Tomlin]
And on that day when my strength is failing
The end draws near and my time has come
Still my soul will sing Your praise unending
Ten thousand years and then forevermore
Bless the Lord Oh my soul
[10,000 Reasons / Matt Redman]
Worship is for every season of life, praise the Lord.
This post is part of the Worship Community Sunday Setlists, see what others are doing here:   http://www.theworshipcommunity.com/sunday-setlists-220/
By the way, have you heard about my next missions trip to Sri Lanka? Read about it here.Â