Sunday Setlists 2012

It was a beautiful, awesome, downright fun Lord’s day at HFUMC .

Without much hoopla, here’s the setlist:

Lifting My Hands Up

Oh Taste And See

Glory To God Forever

Scripture Reading

Message: Prayer: An Encounter With God

Forever Reign

Prayers of The People

The Lords Prayer

Offering / Forever Reign reprise


Hold Us Together



Today we tried using the Projector I-Pad App from Planning Center OnLine.

We had a good experience. Works really well. It’s simple, looks good and is easy to implement for volunteers.

The downside is if you change the script, or as in the case of today, have to make a correction (the last verse of Forever Reign did not show up), then you need several things:

1. Wi-Fi access to your computer to make the updates to the lyric using Planning Center on the web.

2. Access to Wi-Fi to update your plan on the IPad

In the heat of battle, it’s a little clunky and time consuming to process simple changes. However I like Projector, the upside is a better overall workflow for our context. We’ll keep experimenting with using it.

This post is part of the Worship Community Sunday Setlists, see what others are doing here:

By the way, have you heard about my next missions trip to Sri Lanka? Read about it here. 

Stay in the loop! :

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