A few months ago, I had the honor of producing the audio book version of Don Finto’s latest book “Prepare! For The End-Time Harvest”.Â
“Pappa Don” has been one of the most influential spiritual leaders in my life, as he has been for countless others in Nashville and around the world.

Recording “Prepare!” audio book with Pappa Don Finto.
I knew “Prepare!” was an important work when we were recording it. Don Finto, at age 87, is a modern day Caleb, Â vigorous and strong in the Lord. His keen insight on the times in which we live, delivered powerfully through his extensive lens of a lifetime of Biblical wisdom, make this a “must listen” audio book.Â
It is prophetic, hopeful and full of kingdom strategies to make this “our finest hour.”
After listening to Prepare again on Audible.com during a recent road trip, I became convinced this is a vital, timely message that should be promoted to all believers in Yeshua.
So I highly recommend “Prepare! For The End Time Harvest” to you.
Especially, if you are one of those who has experienced Don’s teaching, you’ve got to listen to Prepare! There’s an excerpt on Audible and iTunes, as well as Amazon.

I recorded “Prepare” using Pro Tools
Here’s the book description the publishers.
The future of this planet has never looked bleaker or brighter. From the rise of terrorism, to crashing economies, to unparalleled upheavals in nature, to global wars and rumors of war, the operative word is prepare! In this, Don Fintos’ latest book, he reminds us that God always warns his people before he acts, and he is warning us now. Those who have an ear to hear will hear what he is saying: Get ready! Put your house in order. I’m coming any day now! And for those who are listening, it will also be our greatest opportunity to pierce the darkness with his light.
Meanwhile, in God’s great love and mercy, He allows wickedness and righteousness to grow together, buying time for unbelievers to repent and for believers to grow stronger in their faith as we face uncertain times. Here we are – the wicked and the righteous – maturing side by side until the harvest at the end of the age. The most evil as well as the most godly of all time, sharing the world stage just prior to Jesus’ return.
This book is all about encouraging believers in Jesus to enter fully into the grandest time ever for the followers of God. Our destiny is to become the most influential, the most powerful, the strongest, the most Holy Spirit-empowered, and the most radiant world community of the righteous who have ever graced our planet, in spite of advancing evil – unprecedented in world history.
In Prepare! Finto encourages the saints to take action now. Listen to the right report! Expect harvest! Remember the Passover! Rejoice in suffering! Escape God’s wrath! Watch for the signs! Don’t be deceived! Welcome the king! Receive your inheritance! Read the book! Pray the word! Wrestle with God for the victory! Call on Jesus! Walk in the spirit! Live in community! And, if we stay the course, we will finish well!
Besides Don, I’ve also produced audio books for Jeff Goins, James Goll, and others.