Note: This is my summer ministry crunch time, hence not so many blog posts lately. This report is from last weeks project, my youth Rock-n-Worship Camp in Maryland. At the end of July I’ll be on my missions trip to eastern Europe teaching in Serbia and Romania.
Rock-n-Worship Camp 2012 (not the officlal camp photo)

Rock-n-Worship Camp 2012! (not the official camp photo)

Well the Rock-n-Worship Camp 2012 edition concluded with a high energy night of joyful worship.

Throughout the week we learned about biblical worship, developed practical musical skills, enjoyed fun and games and worked really hard on the repertoire.

Our campers were blessed to be served by passionate and highly skilled coaches.

Everyday began with morning worship, scripture and devotional thought.

See more,  pics!


Heart: Rob taught from Mark 12:30, “Putting the First Commandment in First Place”,
Head: Music Machine game, The Number System
Hands: 1 hr Morning class,  1 hr Afternoon class, 1 hr Super Group

Our Awesome Coaches! Allen Avery, Brian Zimmerman, Rob Still, Jillian Harding, Rebekah Davis


Heart: Jillian taught on “Sacrifice” and “What Is Worship?”
Head: Music Machine game & The Number System
Hands: 1 hr Morning class,  1 hr Afternoon class, 1 hr Super Group


Heart: Brian taught about “Surrender” from Revelation 4
Head: The Karate Chop game, Rhythm Basics
Hands: 1 hr Morning class,  1 hr Afternoon class, 1 hr Super Group


Heart: Rob taught from Romans 12:1-2 “Worship Is All of Life”
Head: Jillian & Rob taught about sound waves with video examples, Introduced “The Earth Is Yours” song outside
Hands: 1 hr Morning class,  1 hr Afternoon class, 1 hr Super Group

Video: The Earth Is Yours  (Thursday Afternoon’s teaching segment)

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Heart: extended worship time, Jillian taught on expressing passion in worship
Head: Watched video “What Is The Gospel?”
Hands: Extended Rehearsal for the Worship Celebration

At the end of the day Friday, we enjoyed a great taco dinner from Maria Waller, relaxed with the movie “Horton Hears A Who”, then had a photo shoot with Melissa Goodyear (link coming!)

What a great culmination of the Heart, Head and Hands teaching and coaching approach.

The week was a smashing success!


Super Group prepping for our Worship Celebration

Super Group prepping for our Worship Celebration


Friday Night’s Worship Celebration

  • We Have Come
  • Mighty To Save
  • Our God
  • How He Loves
  • Specials:
    • Girls Trio: How Great Is Our God
    • Guys Band: Title?
    • Da Gyrls: Title?
  • Your Love Never Fails
  • Revelation Song
  • One Thing Remains
    • Presentation of Graduation Certificates and Appreciation of Staff
  • The Jesus La La Song

The feedback we received from most folks was something like “amazing” or “awesome”.

Check out our Rock-n-Worship Camp Facebook page for more bonus pics and videos. Make sure to upload and share yours!

Vocals coached by Rebekah Davis!

Vocals coached by Rebekah Davis!



Drums coached by Brian Zimmerman!

Drums coached by Brian Zimmerman!



Guitars & Bass coached by Jillian Harding!

Guitars & Bass coached by Jillian Harding!


Keys & Horns coached by Allen Avery!

Keys & Horns coached by Allen Avery!



We’ll feature more pics and a link to the photo-shoot, videos, and more afterglow warm fuzzies in the next blog post, Camp Recap Part 2! Here’s another link to find out more about the Rock-n-Worship Camp and future dates

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